UB Alumnus Finishes First Runner-Up in Ginoong Pilipinas 2024: A Baguio Native’s Inspiring Journey

A Baguio native and University of Baguio (UB) alumnus has secured the first runner-up position in the prestigious Ginoong Pilipinas 2024 competition. This achievement highlights his determination, resilience, and the inspiring journey that led him to stand out among many contestants.

Ryan James E. Valdez’s journey into the world of pageantry began with a dream he held since his youth. Despite insecurities about his body, his passion for pageants never waned. His first foray into this world was the Mister SLAHS (School of Liberal Arts and Human Sciences) competition at the University of Baguio. What started as a pursuit of experience turned into a victory, catapulting him into the realm of bigger pageants and setting the stage for a remarkable journey.

RJ’s preparation for competitions was a testament to his dedication and independence. Without the backing of a significant team or sponsors, he relied on the unwavering support of his family and close friends. He acknowledged his strong communication skills and focused on improving his health and physique. This self-driven approach showcased his commitment and highlighted his ability to excel with limited resources.

(Photo: Ryan James Valdez wins Mr. SLAHS 2015: Small beginnings that paved the way to greater achievements. RJ is a graduate of BA English in 2016.)

Among the many memorable moments, winning the first runner-up position stands out for RJ. Being in the top 2 out of 17 incredible candidates was an achievement that still amazes him. He cherishes the behind-the-scenes camaraderie with his fellow contestants, who shared authentic moments away from the spotlight, simply enjoying each other’s company.

To fully immerse himself in the pageant experience, RJ took a break from his work as a stay-at-home artist. This break allowed him to reconnect with people and take a much-needed respite from his daily stress. His journey to Ginoong Pilipinas allowed him to rejuvenate and focus on his passion.

RJ encountered significant challenges, but despite representing Baguio City nationally and having to manage his expenses strategically and resourcefully, he remained undeterred. He found strength in the pride and unwavering support of those around him.

Embodying Roots and Heritage: Ryan James Valdez shines in the Igorot national costume, a testament to his cultural pride and deep connection to his heritage.

Surprisingly, RJ did not succumb to pressure or stress. Knowing he was making many people proud provided him with a sense of peace. Whenever doubts crept in, especially when comparing himself to contestants with extensive support teams, he reminded himself of his unique qualities—his personality and intelligence—which kept him motivated.

Participating in Ginoong Pilipinas taught RJ invaluable lessons. He learned that height is just a number and that hard work and determination can make an independent candidate shine. Moreover, embodying actual Filipino values allowed him to impact despite physical attributes significantly.

Winning the pageant has opened numerous doors for RJ, bringing opportunities for TV shows and interviews. He hopes his success will also boost tourism in Baguio, aligning with the objectives of the Ginoong Pilipinas organization. On a personal level, RJ remains the same compassionate individual, now with the added essence of a true Ginoo.

(Photo: RJ shines as he secures the 1st Runner-Up title in Ginoong Pilipinas 2024, a true testament to his hard work and dedication.)

RJ’s advocacy focuses on “Tattoo empowerment professionalism and changing the perception of tattoos as taboos.” He aims to spread this message and encourage authenticity by breaking beauty standards and stigmas. Looking ahead, RJ plans to participate in more national and even international pageants, eager to showcase Cordilleran culture to the world.

RJ hopes to be remembered for his advocacy and encouraging others to be true to themselves. His journey is a powerful reminder that insecurities should not hold one back but be used as stepping stones to greater heights. Through his story, RJ inspires aspiring pageant participants to embrace their unique qualities and pursue their dreams with determination and authenticity.

Written by Michelle Ranges

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